Friday, October 28, 2011

Daggummit! The Tundra Followed Me South

"What the What!"

 "She came back six times"
 "This is how we do"

I was going to start this week's letter gloating about how it's still in the 80s here and how there are roses and flowers everywhere and it's wonderfully warm and I'm so lucky to be here where it's basically summer all year round etc, etc, etc. Then this happened (see Pic 1).
What the what, Clovis?!?! It was seriously 75-80 degrees yesterday. Silly, little town. Luckily, it's Preparation Day and I can therefore 'prepare' for this town's apparently bipolar weather.
In other news, our ward's Trunk or Treat was last night - so fun! We were in charge of a booth and did the "Pumpkin Gut Dive," where you had to dig into a pumpkin for your prize, amidst all sorts of gory grossness. Nice, huh? We got mixed reviews and had to dig noodles out of the carpet, but I did find that we were way more popular with the 5-8 year-old girls than anyone else. We had more boys refusing to do it and more girls coming back to do it again. You go, little girls of Clovis.
Earlier this week we taught seminary twice - at 6 in the morning. You'd be amazed how little 8 hours of sleep is when you're a missionary. 7 hours is even less. But as exhausted as we were those two days (sadly enough) it really was a neat experience. Having these teenagers up and at a member's home to learn about the scriptures, by 6AM, really impressed me. In fact, I was sitting there, exhausted, wondering how the heck they do it every day when I remembered that I did the exact same thing for jazz choir. On less than 7 hours of sleep a night. Oh, teenage self.
This weekend is exciting because Andrea and Audri Rivera are getting baptized! Yay! I love the Rivera family - they are just good people. Janet's a wonderful mom looking out for her kids, Andrea (14), Audri (9), and Joseph (9). They all have baptismal dates, but Audri and Andrea came to church before the other two, so they're getting baptized earlier. They're both so excited - everytime I see them, Audri's all, "My baptism's Saturday!" There're Trunk or Treat shots with them below, but I'll get normal ones this weekend at the baptism.
We also had the coolest lesson with a man named Jael yesterday. I say "we," but really we weren't any part of it. He'd recently had a stroke and we brought along with us Miss Rhonda Johnson, who also had a stroke that actually brought her to the church. We had no clue - we're none too swift sometimes. We just stumbled all over our lesson, left and right ("we" being "me"), till the end when we asked Sis. Johnson to share her conversion story. She pulled her chair right up next to him, related to him, grabbed his hands, and told him that he was not done yet. It may feel like it, but God kept him going for a reason. Then she bore her testimony in her awesome, personal way, asked him when he'd like to see us again and turned to look at us like, "Well? What are you doing sitting there with your mouths open like that? Get moving!" When I grow up, I want to be Rhonda Johnson. Man, I hope you guys get to meet her someday.
That's the week as far as I can tell. It's still snowing and we're going to go home and just relax. I'm sorry for everyone who hasn't gotten a letter from me yet - I should actually have time to catch up this week. FYI, anyone and everyone can email me - - I just have to snailmail them back.
Well, I love y'all! I'm off to discover missionary work in the snow!
-Sister Dunkley

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